About me

I am a 4th year PhD student in Computer Science at Oregon State University (OSU) advised by Dr. Xiao Fu. My research is focused on understanding and designing principled methods for unsupervised domain translation, generative models, and multiview learning.

Prior to my PhD, I received my MS in Computer Science from OSU in 2023, also advised by Dr. Xiao Fu. During my MS, I developed efficient and principled ML methods for important problems in wireless communications and federated learning. The work was funded jointly by Intel and NSF under the Machine Learning for Wireless Networking Systems (MLWiNS) program.

Before joining OSU, I co-founded Paaila Technology, where I led the development of service robots, bank assistant chatbot, and emergency ventilators and medicine delivery robot. I also worked as an instructor at Thapathali Campus, Tribhuvan University for two semesters teaching undergraduate courses: "Instrumentation Systems" and "Telecommunications".

During my undergraduate study, I was a team member of Team Nepal for ABU Robocon 2015 and 2016, where my team won many awards.


This is a beginner's introduction to ICA.

This article provides a distilled explanation of the flow matching / stochastic interpolant /rectified flow. It features an easy-to-follow proof (not found in original paper) of the flow-matching objective with stochastic interpolants.